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  • 作家相片Peifen Huang 黃佩芬

"Bardo" for string quartet 《七七四十九日》 為弦樂四重奏


Contemporary music  當代音樂 

Violin/董宜麟、游政霖 Viola/劉詩珊 Cello/彭詠嵐 "Bardo" inspired by the Tibetan Bardo,. "Bardo refers to the "transition" or "interval" between "the completion of one situation" and "the beginning of another situation." Bar means "between", and do means "floating" or "lost". In daily Tibetan language, "bardo" refers to the intermediate state between death and rebirth. This period of time lasts for seven or forty-nine days.

In Tibetan Buddhism, "bardo" actually has a deeper and broader meaning. Under the concept of "reincarnation" as the foundation, Buddhism believes that life and death are the eternal flow of life. For example: In our body and mind, cells die all the time, and new cells are created all the time. Therefore, the various "bardos" represent various states of consciousness in human life. "Bardo" is a period of extreme uncertainty and change. When we look at life honestly, we will find that the human heart is always swinging between chaos and clarity, confusion and wisdom, certainty and uncertainty. This continuous state of uncertainty may make people uneasy, but in the middle, there are also many opportunities for transformation that people can grasp.

《七七四十九日》為弦樂四重奏,靈感來自藏文Bardo,中文翻譯為「中陰」。Bardo指的是「一個情境的完成」和「另一個情境的開始」兩者的「過渡」或「間隔」。Bar的意思是「在……之間」,do的意思是「懸空」或「被丟」」 。西藏人在日常用語中,「中陰」指的即是,死亡和再生之間的中間狀態,這段時程為期七七四十九日。

「中陰」在藏傳佛教中,其實還有更深、更廣的涵意。在以「輪迴」 為基礎的觀念下,佛教認為生與死,是生命間永恆的流動過程。譬如:在我們的身心之中,時時刻刻都有細胞死去,時時刻刻又有新的細胞產生。因此,種種不同的「中陰」,代表著人的生命中,種種不一的意識境界。「中陰」是一種處於極度不確定、變動的時段。當我們誠實地看待生命時會發現,人心總是在混亂和清明、困惑和智慧、確定和不確定之間擺盪著。這種持續性的不確定狀態,或許會讓人心不安,然而在這中間,也正產生著許多可以讓人把握住的轉化機會。

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